viernes, 25 de junio de 2010

Survey results analysis

Universidad Latina de Costa Rica
Course LIN-03 Research Methods
Teachers’ Attitude

The following survey is from Universidad Latina de Costa Rica course research methods.
The objective is to know how teacher’s attitude and lacking of innovative methods affect students’ interest in learning English.
This survey is anonymous; all the information given by you it will be responsible treated. Thanks so much for your collaboration.

Please answer the following questions with precise and true information. If you consider not to provide certain information, please mark the option “no answer” N/A.

1. Age: ___________

2. Sex: _______ male ________ female

3. Nationally: ________________________ ( ) N/A

4. Do you think relationship student – teacher could affect the student’s interest?

( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) N/A

5. Do you create positive conditions for the learning process?

( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) N/A

6. Do you think teachers must be aware of the students´ problems, feelings and anxieties in order to cultivate students´ desire to learn?

( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) N/A

7. Do you establish a friendly relationship with your students in order to create confidence and a better communication?

( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) N/A

8. Are you enthusiastic in order to support your students´ interest in learning?

( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) N/A

9. Which of the following aspects do you consider, make English lessons boring?

Textbook Organization of curriculum
Students´ attitude Topics themselves
Teacher´s attitude Organization of the classroom
Lacks of creativity Pressure from authorities

10. Do you know some innovative approaches to language teaching?

( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) N/A

11. Do you attend to seminars, conferences or any kind of session for professional development, other than University lesson?

( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) N/A

12. Do you stir up and enroll effective motives in order to engage your students in activities that will be result in the desired learning?

( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) N/A

13. Do you know the reasons that motivate you to be an English teacher?

( ) Yes ( ) No ( ) N/A

14. How do you define the word innovations and in which theory is it based?

Once the survey was applied these were the obtained results.
The survey was applied among 10 teachers of five different high schools in Guapiles surroundings with ages among 23 and 45 years on average, being 70% males and 30% females, all of them were Costa Ricans. To the fourth question “Do you think relationship student – teacher could affect the student’s interest?” 100% of them were agreed, which means they already know that teachers must construct a confident relationship with their students in order to gain their interest in the learning English. In the fifth question “Do you create positive conditions for the learning process?” 90% of them said yes, and just 10% said no, it is very difficult to understand is whether teachers know which these positive conditions are. In the sixth question “Do you think teachers must be aware of the students´ problems, feelings and anxieties in order to cultivate students´ desire to learn?” 100% said yes, but the question “Are they doing so?” arises because no many teachers used to know their students´ lives outside the classroom. In the seventh question “Do you establish a friendly relationship with your students in order to create confidence and a better communication?” again 100% said yes, which means there is something does not fit in, because it has been proved that many students do not feel confidence in the classroom and that is why they do not use the language learned in order to communicated in a spoken way. In the eighth question “Are you enthusiastic in order to support your students´ interest in learning?” 100% said yes, so it means they are motivated to their job, therefore they do their best. In the ninth question “Which of the following aspects do you consider, make English lessons boring?” they marked:
100% Textbook 90% Organization of curriculum
80% Students´ attitude 90% Topics themselves
20% Teacher’s attitude 80% Organization of the classroom
60% Lacks of creativity 100% Pressure from authorities

Something interesting is the fact that all of them agreed that pressure from authorities is narrowing the work in the classroom and the use of textbook is the worst teachers can do, but the MEP exam (graduation examination) is based just in the reading comprehension skill. In the tenth question “Do you know some innovative approaches to language teaching?” 80% of them answered yes and 20% said no. In the eleventh question “Do you attend to seminars, conferences or any kind of session for professional development, other than University lesson?” 100% was answered no, which means teachers are not updating their knowledge at all and teachers are required to be updating in this changing world everyday. In the twelfth question “Do you stir up and enroll effective motives in order to engage your students in activities that will be result in the desired learning?” 100% of the teachers answered yes, but it seems this is not reflected in the students´ motivation. In the thirteenth question “Do you know the reasons that motivate you to be an English teacher?” once again 100% of them answered yes, so they must enjoy, grow and serve in their job. And finally, to the question” How do you define the word innovations and in which theory is it based?” no one of them based his/her answer in a theory, but all of them agreed that innovations is the used of didactic and technological sources in a more creative and dynamic way.

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