viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

Innovation and Teacher’s Attitude

It has been the line to develop new products and better standart of living. Is like describing a process. Its mean that innovation brings values to a community. A teacher is a person who is important to the development of the students, the future of any students depends of the attitude, qualities and dedication of the teacher.
Motivation is an important aspect of the learning process and it could affect depending of the situation. Those situation could be external factors like the social environment or it could be personal that sometimes affect the interests of the goal established by the teacher in class. Taking into account the situation, the teacher have to keep a nice environment in order to achieve the objectives already set up; teacher’s most try to get students attention. Teachers attitude affects students abilitites and motivation in the English class. Teachers will face situations like no interest in the English subject, but teachers have to look for the solution of the main problema to facilitate the process.
Teachers need to create favorable conditions for the learning process, engage boys and girls in activities that achieve the goals established. Teachers attitude in the classroom affects students motivation in lessons.
Always have to consider that to achieve the goal of learning a language it really depends on the teacher attitude. Doesn’t matter how much effort the teacher made to engage the students in the process but at the end the teacher is who make the decision to learn or not. To get to the main point teachers need to follow some steps, if isn’t complete, it could affect not noly the process, but also the social context and also could affect different situations. Students engage in an activity not only because they are interested in the activity itself, but performing it will help them to obtain something else that they want.
Teachers must create a nice conditions of the learning process. First, to catch the students attention. Students are looking on what why the teacher bahave so every reaction, expression or act will influence on the students perception about him/her. The teacher need to be flexible, to made students to express themselves as they want to give opinions when it is necessary. For that reason is why the teachers need to know each student very good. Otherwise, students will be always against the teacher and unwilling to be in the English class. The teacher have to be dinamic in order to reinforce the student interest and create a new interest in the learning process.

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